Lead Guitar Secrets
Lead Guitar Secrets

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Unlock the Mysteries of Creating Great Solos
Learn the fine art of lead guitar soloing from the ground up with Lead Guitar Secrets. This well-paced, methodical workbook focuses on the essential components of great guitar solos without the typical deluge of dry music theory instruction. You'll get hands-on training with: an 80-track audio CD featuring many play-along backing tracks for soloing practice; an organized, logical approach that takes you from basic melodic soloing over one chord to more advanced concepts with common chord progressions; a breakdown of the core fretboard scale patterns and how to effectively connect them up and down the neck; rhythmic phrasing and articulation techniques such as bending, vibrato & legato; tools and concepts that provide a solid foundation in improvisation; invaluable skills that are useful in all music genres; and more! Perfect for getting started with lead guitar or expanding one's existing soloing capabilities. The seasoned player could also gain a fresh perspective via the practical and systematic methodology, possibly unlocking some previously overlooked Lead Guitar Secrets.